The URL to fetch the data from. fetch() is used to get the data from this url
Whether or not a node can be reselected when its already selected, used in conjunction with preventUnselect. Default: false
Sets the default background color used by all nodes, except when overridden on a per node basis in data. Can be any valid color value
Sets the border color for the component; set showBorder to false if you don't want a visible border. Can be any valid color value
Sets the text color for a node with a changed checkbox.
Swaps the node icon with the checkbox, used in conjunction with showCheckbox. Default false
Sets the class name of the icon to be as a checked checkbox, used in conjunction with showCheckbox.
Sets the class name of the icon to be used on a collapsible tree node.
Sets the default foreground color used by all nodes, except when overridden on a per node basis in data. Can be any valid color value
The data to be displayed on the treeView. Can be either passed as array of nodes / partial node data or a JSON string of the same. Takes presence of ajaxURL
Sets the class name of icon to be used on a tree node with no child nodes.
Sets the class name of the icon to be used on an expandable tree node.
Whether or not to enable hierarchical checking/unchecking of checkboxes. Default false
Highlights the nodes with changed checkbox state, used in conjunction with showCheckbox. Default: false
Whether or not to highlight search results. Default false
Whether or not to highlight the selected node. Default true
This function is called when a lazily-loadable node is being expanded for the first time. The node is available as the first argument, while the second argument is a function responsible for passing the loaded data to the renderer. The data needs to be in the same JSON format as specified above.
Sets the number of hierarchical levels deep the tree will be expanded to by default.
Sets the icon to be used on an a lazyLoad node before its content gets loaded.
Whether or not multiple nodes can be selected at the same time. Default false
Sets the default icon to be used on all nodes, except when overridden on a per node basis in data.
Sets the default background color activated when the users cursor hovers over a node.
Sets the class name of icon to be as a partially checked checkbox, used in conjunction with showCheckbox and hierarchicalCheck.
Whether or not a node can be unselected without another node first being selected. Default: false
Whether or not to propagate nodeChecked and nodeUnchecked events to the parent/child nodes, used in conjunction with hierarchicalCheck. Default false.
Sets the background color of a node found during a search result
Sets the foreground color of a node found during a search result
Sets the background color of the selected node.
Sets the foreground color of a selected node. Defaults to black
Sets the default icon to be used on all selected nodes, except when overridden on a per node basis in data.
Whether or not to display a border around nodes.
Whether or not to display checkboxes on nodes.
Whether or not to display a nodes icon. Default: true
Whether or not to display a nodes image instead of the icon.
Whether or not to display tags to the right of each node. The values of which must be provided in the data structure on a per node basis. Default false
Sets the class of tags to be used on a node. Defaults to 'badge'
Sets the icon to be as an unchecked checkbox, used in conjunction with showCheckbox.
Whether or not to surround the text of the node with a tag.
The options to be passed to the fetch() function, when data is fetched from ajaxURL
Generated using TypeDoc
The global options to configure the treeView